Monday, July 14, 2008

Good Dog...Bad Dog

As far as dogs go, Cooper has been pretty good.  He gets overly excited when people come to visit, but he also calms down rather quickly.  He's only 1 year old and most labs take about 2 to 3 years to really calm down.  He can be such a great dog.  He's very loyal and extremely tolerant with the kids.  They climb on him, fall on him, run all around him and he never gets nippy at all.  He loves to be near us and follows us from room to room.

However, he also has a tendency to act like a BIG DUMB DOG!!!  He eats cat poop out of the litter box (or as my sister-in-law calls it, Kitty Roca) if we ever let him get to the basement.  The other day I found him playing what looked like a game of bobbing for apples in the toilet (turns out he was trying to eat a little floater Gavin left behind...GROSS).  Even though he is a big male dog and our cat is a small male cat, he still tries to procreate with him...if you catch my drift.  He goes ballistic whenever we leave him alone.  He barks and barks and barks AND BARKS (do you get the point?).  Today, my neighbor came over to check to see if we knew that he barks the whole time we're gone from the house.  Which was her polite way of saying, "Please, for the love of all that is good in this world, Make your dog SHUT UP!!"  So, we're going to have to resort to the bark collar again.  We thought he had learned not to bark from our first stint with the collar, but apparently it takes more than that to get through his thick, happy-go-lucky head. But, we really do love him and he's part of the family, so he is definitely worth it.  We just need to make sure to keep the toilet seat down.

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