Dan and I have never been fans of the "family bed." We don't even like to touch each other when we're sleeping...we need our space! Plus, I'm pretty positive that if my husband can sleep through the kids crying out at night or my constant moans and groans when I was pregnant and had to turn over, then he could sleep through rolling over onto one of our kids in the night. So, no family bed for us in the traditional sense, however, this is a common scene in our bed early in the morning (long before the rest of the world wakes up). Aislynn wakes up and comes into our bed to eat. Right about the time she finishes and I lay her between us, the boys wander in. Inevitably, Gavin always asks, "What ya doin?" They climb in and try to elbow their way in between us and practically on top of their sister. We all manage to rest happily for about a minute and a half. Then, the boys' "Ninja instinct" kicks in and they start moving around, kicking each other, standing up and falling down with loud shrieks when they bounce back up. Finally, Dan and I can't take it and we're forced to get up to officially start the day. I'd love to hear how others start their day each morning. Leave a comment and let me know!!
Well if Braden ends up in our bed during the night (which has ended up being more often than we would like - and are now retraining the little fart) - i awake sometime about the time that kevin leaves for work (which is always before i'm ever awake) due to a screaming whining noise that is right by ear that sounds something like
"DADDY!!!!!!!!!!!!???????? Where is daddy?" I mumble barely coherently "at work" and he screams "DADDDYYYYYYYY!!!! I want my daddy! Go away mommy (which means go get ready and do whatever you're going to do so i can sulk here alone). and he flops back on the bed and sleeps for another hour. waking up much happier and in love with me.
why can't we just start with the second one?
if it's a work day, it begins before the sun comes up with the sound of shane & shane on my cell phone singing "We love you Jesus, for so many reasons..." and all I can think is how much MORE I would love Jesus if I could sleep for 2 more hours...instead, i decide i'm lucky he loves me at all and then promptly hit snooze for the next 10 minutes - up to an hour if i feel like pushing the "tardy" envelope - and then drag myself out of my very cozy bed. i know i'm in for trouble if i ever have kids...because God will bless me with kids who wake up at ridiculous hours of the morning instead of sleeping unitl 9 :)
Andy wakes up with boys, reads them books, starts making breakfast. I stay in bed, trying to ignore all the misc sounds I hear until Isaiah comes in and oh so sweetly says, "Mama....mama...breakfast...come on!" I then drag myself out of bed and spend the next twenty minutes trying to get my eyes to open at the breakfast table.
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