Monday, November 10, 2008

Conversation Over Carrots

Caedon and Gavin are sitting on the couch eating some carrot sticks.  Dan asks, "Can I have a bite of your carrot?"  Caedon responds, "No because then you'll get your slobber all over it and you have grown up slobber and it will make me grow up too fast if I eat your grown-up slobber.  I don't want to be a grown-up too fast."  

Dan continues this fascinating conversation, "Why don't you want to grow up too fast?"  Caedon looks at him like he's completely clueless.  "Because I have to play with my toys a lot while I'm waiting to grow up.  And watch shows on Noggin.  And play with Aislynn when she's awake.  Then when I grow up, I'll go see what heaven is like.  I don't know what God looks like."  Dan replies, "No one knows what God looks like until we meet Him in heaven."  

"Well, let's all hold hands when we leave for heaven and we can go together."  At this point, Gavin pipes up, "Jesus is God's son."

What a deep conversation considering it started with Dan asking for a bite of carrot!


Karen Elaine Rogers said...

dang, the mind of preschoolers! :)

Summer Miller said...

This is awesome. It's crazy what comes out of them!